#NYCC schedule and Death Trap plea

Alright!  I’m taking NYCC easy this year, with no table, and just wandering and doing meetings Friday/Saturday, but I have a couple appearances where I hope to see you.


Crazy Talk Instagram


So, mark your calendars and I hope to see you.


Now, to THE KICKSTARTER.  The bane of my recent existence – the reason under all this hair it’s all coming in grey – the reason I don’t sleep and I currently look like a half-crazed and frantic hobo – we only have 6 days left and holy smokes, we need your help to bring this home.

Haaaaave you met Bob? Bob’s not Bob’s real name, but a nickname because this sadistic motherfucker has a thing for bobblehead dolls. Meet him (or be one of his bobbleheads) at the DEATH TRAP kickstarter!



Told y’all this pledge level was even cooler than you thought – Bob’s a major bad guy and your bobblehead will appear a LOT.  Only 2 spots left, and tons of reward levels for every budget.  If you’re poor like me, we got you!  If you’re diving into your money bin for a swim like Scrooge McDuck, we got you, too!  Just hit up the Kickstarter and pledge and we will be able to bring this sucker home!

As always, I’m available for any questions at mattminerxvx@gmail.com or on Twitter at @MattMinerXVX